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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Quilting Room Clean Out...

Well, I have been watching several friends on facebook lately as they all proudly show off pictures of their recently cleaned work or sewing rooms...So now...I feel shamed into cleaning my own quilting room.

I've not used it as a "quilting rm" for over a year now...packed to the far corners with all sort of junk that I wanted out of the other rooms. Halloween lights, Christmas decorations, Fabric I've bought for quilts that haven't been made...yet... So much in fact that when you opened the were terrified for your life. No telling what could come tumbling down on top of your hapless head...WHEN DID I EVER OWN PINK BARBELLS??
I cleared out a pathway and began to haul things out to my dining room. Goodie!!  NOW TWO rooms were a mess! Great! Terrific! When junk gets THIS backed up...where DO YOU PUT IT?? Unfortunately, into other rooms that once were clean and dust-free...NOT anymore however...

I have really bad asthma and can't be around dust. So here I am...without a dustmask...doing kneebends while gathering PILES of fabric...very dusty fabric and stumbling over the now junk filled dining room on my way to the laundry room...which is a mess now, because you can't put every load into the washing machine now...can you? Nope, you have to toss them onto the ground in front of the washing machine and climb Mt. Dirty Material in order to access the machine. I'm only 5 ft tall and I'm beginning to imagine what it feels like to be entombed...argk!! Surrounded by dust bunnies floating about me as I struggle with the sorting...I now officially dislike bunnies as a whole...

It's been two grueling days of back-breaking work...and finally!!! Guess what!?  I'm STILL NOT DONE!!!
(To be continued...once I look in the yellow pages for "Housekeeper")